Thursday, 23 April 2009


Hello again,
We've spent some time in Stockholm rehersing for our shows in South America. Been locked up in a studio for too long. Felt really good to jam again. Can't wait to get out there.


marykarmen said...


Maple Leaf said...

Hey, guys, since you're going to South America, give the North a chance too! We're waiting for you here in Canada as well! Take care and lots of hugs!

frampala said...

One more day before the journey begins again.
Even from miles away I'm really excited to see you back in action.

For some reason,it's good to know you 're out there!

take care

加薪貓Rebecca said...

Hello! My heroes!
Very happy to see you back!
I look forward to updates every day!
I hope you will come to Taiwan!
Bless you all the best performances! It will be amazing performances!
Take care. :)

Anonymous said...

Välkomna tillbaka! //Malin

classicalmusic said...

This pictures are really amusing, because it seems the scene takes place in a cellar (is it a vacuum cleaner in one corner?). This men supposed to be stars, they just look like some teenagers! In french we would say that's "sympa".
Another surprising thing: is it a pen that Joey Tempest is holding while singing? Well, it indicates a great passion for writing, (or a big sense of efficacity: never loosing time to takes notes when a good idea cross your mind...)
Last thing: I like John Leven hairstyle on this picture; truly elegant!

Soraya said...

EUROPE in the Andes!

I hope that you'll really enjoy those sacred landscapes (and that you'll tell us about)!!

Thank you for this blog!

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Hej ! Thx for this update !
lol... Where are you exactly ? It seems you are in a garage !... lol If yes... I'm sure it reminds you some good things from your youth, no ?...
Take care,

Unknown said...

See you in Santiago - Chile, next Saturday!! I can belive it, i´ll see the band of my life!!!

Valérie said...

Hello guys!

Thanx for your message and this beautiful pics!

See you later


Unknown said...

Great pics guys.

Can't wait to see you in action here in Portugal.

Enjoy your shows in Chile :)

All the best
/Rodrigo Silva

Anonymous said...

Hi, Hi guys! miss! I have the will and to give a big, tight hug every one of you!
I am very excited for the concerts here in South America!! I love you,I love you!!!!

hot kisses from Brazil!

test said...

Cool pictures!

Good luck with the gigs in Chile! :)

here comes the night said...

Looking good guys!! I can't wait to hear it... I'm sure fans will internet the rest of us stuff as soon as the concert is over. You have crazy fans like that you know- but then of course you know. =)

I'll see you eventually, you only live once, so if I must pack up all must stuff and fly myself over there- you bet I'm gonna do it.

Keep rockin!

CatFauve said...

You guys are good, just like the wine - the older you get, the better you are.
Continue, I'm eager to discover the new tastes.

Deni said...

I've missed you, guys! You look great!Hope I'll see you in Bulgaria this summer

ALUAP said...

Great pics

rockin' dreamer said...

Great pictures!

Looks like Ian is having big fun!

Tomorrow said...

Congratulations John Norum...I have heard your guitar in Almost Unplugged and is amazing....I wait to meet in live play guitar in Madrid.

Sahiyela Osiceca said...

Eh! Guys! Where are you? This place seems strange...
But,the location doesn't matter much. The essential thing is that you take pleasure to play.
Pictures are great.
I wish you the best for your gigs in Chile.
Take care of all you.

Jart Rokker said...

I just wait saturday... I'll be there for you in Santiago... you're the masters I'd would like to have... see you in teatro Caupolican...

Laura said...

Hello guys, I am glad your back on the blog.I hope to see you soon in concert,good luck for your show...All the best.....Hi Joey!

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JEM said...

have a fab time down south boys ... see you on the road later in the year - pussas xxxxx

wakko said...

Good luck in Chile!
We wait you in Paraguay!!!
Book Asunción in your next SouthAmerican tour!!!

Unknown said...

Hello my dear idols of the heart ... I loved the photos, you are beautiful! Waiting anxiously for the new cd ... kissing in the heart! I love you!


Jenny said...

Looking great!!

I can imagine your feelings to play for an audience again, Im sure the Chilean fans will greet you and make you feel welcome!

Good luck & All the best

franknwl said...

Good to know your back on the road, good luck to you all, hope you have a great time and really Rock the
South Americans, looking forward to seeing you tour
London UK again soon. Love ya!

melody_tokyo said...


Be more careful while combing your hair !
Hair parting line is going zigzag, I found in the enlarged pic.

Cummon, Leven! I know you played your bass with TV station entrance ID card hanging on your chest in an Italian TV show in late 80's. That YouTube video made me laugh seriously. But never remove the video employing copyright matters. (TV station has the copyright? Ask them not to remove it!) We love it very much.
(And Joey also laughed pounding your chest when he noticed your ID card between song phrases. Of course I know Joey is also as careless as you, but I don't mention his anecdotes here. lol)

And once, in Start From The Dark era, you've been shot in an entire band photo standing with your right-leg's sneaker's string ON THE LOOSE ! ! ! Oh, my !
Don't walk with it or you trip and fall.

Why are you so careless? And why don't people around you, the photogragher or rest of guys, watch you? But it's OK coz your performance is always amazing.

Keep your nice character as natural for long. You're definitely the most lovable person from Europe, Mr. Universe !


With huuuuge love from a watchful fan of yours from Japan

Valérie Alma-Marie said...

bonjour Europe.
You're probably busy right now, working a lot,rehearsing for Bloodstock concert.
It'll be your triumph!
After all, you're one of The-Best-In-The-World Band, aren't you?